The end product of all the toil that an accounting professional goes through is often comprised in a sheet of paper or two, sometimes more. It can be a tax return or a report and whatever it be, needs be produced with ease, should be good looking and be affordable too. So, the printer often rules the roost. Therefore, let us consider some of the issues associated with the best printer models and fast scanners for accounting professionals. In the first place, a reliable printer should be able to produce a copy which is as good looking as it is on the computer screen. Multifunction Printers The multifunction printers or the all-in-one printers as they are more commonly known are capable of doing the printing, scanning, copying and faxing. These are great gadgets because the cost of the multifunction printer just about the same as a stand alone printer or a trifle more at times. The advantage for you is that with this singular unit, you could get going pretty quickly. When your business grows, you can always opt for replacements with devices having industrial strength. Check these attributes Most manufacturers engaged in these composite units employ only proven print technology and hence there is no fear of treading into uncharted territory. But, you should keep an eye out for:- Running Costs The common ink-jet printers come with price tags in the range of $180 to $550 though higher versions can go up to $1500 or more. The Lexmark X215 all-in-one laser is priced at $576 + taxes. Since the cost of inkjet cartridges can be pricey check for the cost per page. When you have lots of color jobs to be done, tri-color units should be avoided and instead models offering individual color cartridges should fit you better. Test Print Print resolution for all models is mostly similar. But, you should run a test print on the type of paper you regularly use in your work since there can be significant variations in the actual results. Features Consider the features you need for your business and avoid those that are of sporadic interest. Some models for example, offer photo printing, but the cartridge can be expensive. Layout and size Though these gadgets are capable of doing several functions, they need be essentially bulky. The HP PSC 1205 for example measures 426Ч259x170mm while others can be lot bigger. The paper track is important and you need to consider whether the unit is comfortable when pushed back or placed in a corner. The clearance needed for opening the scanner lid or changing the ink cartridge should also receive your attention.
About the Author: This Article is written by John C Arkin from the contributor of Office Supplies Information & Resources. More information on the subject is at Best Printer Models & Fast Scanner For Independent Accounting Professionals, and related resources can be found at Differences between HP Printer Series. For more visit and