
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Story Of Romance Writers

Romance writers are people who are able to transform your thinking and take you to another reality. They can bring to life different characters for you to relate with then, leave you with a mind that is critical. Romance writers are entertainers and, you will definitely find them funny and sometimes awkward. These are writers for you. Their role is to draw their inspiration best for you as you try to figure out what the end of the story is. It is pretty amazing but, it is not all rosy. Inspiration can prove to be hard. I'm talking about having the right story but lacking the direction to play out the drama. Writers are faced with all kinds of challenges. Writing is something that you can only judge by result. In other words, no one can convince you that they are good writers without seeing a sample of their work. Good writers are often judged wrongly or even dismissed just to find great success in the future. Therefore, this is to encourage you. If you feel like you can be a good writer, this is not the time to listen to the devil, it is time to get working even if you have no audience. The greatest romance writers of all times will tell you that they were not applauded even after years of producing their work. You have to take time and ensure that you believe in yourself. There are several things that you can do to make sure that you make it in the writing career. You will need to have optimism, the other thing you need is passion and then skill. In often times, skill and passion have been debated upon. Having skill with no passion will make you dry just like a skeleton. Having passion without skill will only make you a dreamer. But which is better. A person who does not find passion naturally will probably never find it. However, a passionate person is only too willing to acquire the skill. Therefore, having passion will surpass skill. This is not to underscore the importance of skill in any form of writing. Romance is a topic that will need a creative yet deductive mind. You do not have to be brilliant. This will happen automatically with the right consistency. Romance writers are known to use real life events to blend with aspects of fiction. This works very well. You might be the kind of person who has always admired romance writers and have a personal romance story of your own. Many writers have come up this way. Remember, we all have a romance story to tell. Therefore, writing is not a reserve of the few brilliant minds; it is a treasure which needs to be shared by everyone. Romance is a topic that will have a lot to include. Sex, lies, betrayal even murder can all revolve around romance. This is to say that for any story to be truly complete, it needs to have romance. Romance is dynamic and it can certainly be affected by certain issues. These are the issues that writers bring up as they tell inspiring stories of love.

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