
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Cover All Bases - Hypnosis

Cover All Bases - Hypnosis      To heal a person you have to cover all the bases.  What I want to do is first go to very specific places and clean up specific events.  I do this by using age regression techniques as I have mentioned.  For most cases there are usually four to six specific feelings we need to track down with four to six separate regressions to be performed.  How many sessions is that?  My record stands at completing seven different problems using regression in one session.  This all depends on the person seeking help.   Every person responds differently and with regard to my record of seven different problems being solved in one session I can tell you it wasnвt because Iвm so incredible.  This client was at the ISE before I could count all the way down to one.      If someone tells me they are depressed, that label “Depressed” is like a huge banner and doesnвt come close to the very specific road weвll have to travel to find the real negative emotion.  Iвll ask them when they feel depressed the most.  Is it in the morning, at night, when alone?  Iвll try to narrow it down.  In session Iвll have them imagine themselves in that situation and have them feel that feeling.  Remember, in hypnosis your mind is much sharper so imagining things almost seems real.  “Use your wonderful imagination and imagine that itвs night time, youвre all alone and those feelings are creeping in, those feelings you donвt like.”      I never use a label like “Depressed” because you are “Leading the witness” as it were.  “Youвre all alone and those feelings you donвt like are creeping in, coming in strong now - I will count from one to five and with each count those feelings you donвt like will double.  If you try and push those feelings away the stronger they become!”       To be a good hypnotist you must use voice inflections.  You have to be an actor and get into it.  If you sound like a robot the subconscious is unresponsive.  This is the exact opposite from what you see in movies.   This is the part of the mind where emotions and feelings reside so you must speak with emotion.  If they are sad I put a cry in my voice, my voice becomes gruff if they are angry.      You might wonder how I get a feeling from physical symptoms like chronic headaches or fibromyalgia.  I wasnвt trained in this but have invented a great way to find those feelings underlying the physical issue.  The biggest problem that faced me when I first started working with physical problems was how I would build up the feeling without bringing on the symptom.  You wouldnвt want to bring on a splitting headache and then have the client follow that feeling back…  I simply use the imagination of my client in a very specific way and suggest to them they will have no discomfort while we are resolving their issue.  The subconscious mind works very well off of imagery.  Itвs almost as real for them as if it were in fact real.Author Tim BartleyExcerpt from the book Hypno Healing by Tim Bartleyhttp://ThoughtBecomesReality.com