
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Different Causes for "Floaters"

QUESTION: I have two wonderful maiden aunts that have had the same problem, but each was treated in a different way.
They complained of specks jumping around in front of their eyes.
One aunt had it for years, and her doctor told her that there was nothing to worry about.
However, when the second aunt suddenly began to see the same things, her doctor put her in the hospital as an emergency and then treated her there.
Can you explain to me what happened?

ANSWER: The condition known as "floaters" is generally a simple, benign situation with little cause for alarm.
They are caused by tiny flecks of material in the jelly-like "vitreous" that fills the globe of the eye.
Many people have this experience, especially in brightly lit environments. However, the sudden appearance of floaters, particularly when accompanied by flashes of light, are entirely another thing.
They speak of an acute problem within the retina, the light sensitive tissue that lines the eye.
When a pathological condition produces a yanking on the retina, it interprets the pulling as a flash of light.
This precedes a "detached retina," a condition in which the retina is pulled away from its normal position against the wall of the eyeball.
The floaters may be caused by blood cells that have escaped from a leak in the vessels of the retina or as a result of a tear in the retina itself.
Prompt treatment can stop the progression of the detachment and preserve the vision of the patient.

The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician.
Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.