QUESTION: I keep reading about fiber as a must in my diet, but even the term makes it sounds as if it isn't very pleasant to eat.
What is all the noise about? Can you please explain the need for the stuff and where I may be going wrong in my present diet?
ANSWER: To the best of my knowledge, we began reading about the miracles of fiber in the diet back in the 1960's when Dr.
Denis Burkitt began writing about the people in rural Africa.
Their diet was much richer in fiber than those in the Western world, and their incidence of bowel cancer was much less. The statistics on gallstones, appendicitis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, some forms of coronary disease and diabetes were all in favor of the Africans. This started a lot of investigations, and turned up even more data that indicates that fiber is a very important part of the healthy diet, and that Americans just do not get sufficient amounts.
Total dietary fiber is composed of two types, soluble fiber (which dissolves in water), and an insoluble type which provides the "bulk" in the diet.
Fiber is only found in fruits and plants, and not in meat nor milk.
Soluble fiber is found in oranges, pectin, and various vegetable gums, while insoluble fiber is found in large quantities in wheat bran, brown rice, bananas, kidney beans, cauliflower and nuts amongst other foods.
Both types of fiber are found together in apples, soybeans, whole grain oats, barley, apples and potatoes.
While there are absolute recommendations for the amount of fiber needed daily, many experts feel that a total of from 20-35 grams is about right.
That means concentrating on including vegetables, fruits, and whole grain breads, and cereals in your daily diet.
Not only will you be reducing your risk for some ailments, such as heart disease, diverticulosis, certain types of cancer, and obesity, but you may find that your bowel movements are more regular as well.
The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician.
Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.