QUESTION: I often read magazine articles offering advice about sex to older men.
They are of little use to me, for as I advance in age and pass my menopause, I could use some information too.
How about giving us older gals some help and advice?
ANSWER: I am truly pleased to answer your question.
Actually, I get more letters from older women about this subject than I do from the fellows. An older woman can indeed have a wonderful, healthy sex life after menopause.
Despite some physical changes, an older woman's sexual response cycle usually remains in good working order.
Multiple orgasms can still be achieved, although in some cases the intensity and duration may be slightly less than in the premenopausal woman. The physical changes that might hamper sexual activity include atrophy of parts of the vagina, which increases the risk of trauma, infection and vaginitis.
The pH factor rises and necessary secretions diminish.
Elasticity is lessened in the vaginal wall, and the cervix shrinks.
However, most women are still very capable of achieving sexual pleasure, and should consider it a healthy part of their lives.
Aging ovaries produce less estrogen than they used to, and many doctors recommend estrogen replacement therapy.
In many cases, the added estrogen helps relieve or reduce hot flushes, atrophy of the genitals, and osteoporosis.
The therapy may also promote a sense of well being.
There are some possible negative side effects though, and every patient must discuss the benefits and risks with her doctor before estrogen is prescribed. Another factor that may impede the sex life of an older woman includes the availability of an acceptable partner.
Because women statistically live longer than men, many elderly women are either widowed or their husbands are seriously ill or disabled.
The woman herself may have nonsexual physical ailments such as arthritis, neuromuscular disease, or osteoporosis, which can impair sexuality. The older woman may sink into depression because of her own or her partner's physical ailments and lose interest in activities that are pleasurable, such as sex.
It is important for both older women and men to continue to develop hobbies, interests, friendships and loving relationships, so that their self-worth remains high and interest in their own sexuality will be maintained.
The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician.
Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.