
Saturday, January 10, 2009

Give GERD The Bird

Give GERD the Bird With Proper Treatments

If you don't have GERD consider yourself blessed. Listen. Here's a mouthful - gastroesophageal reflux disease. No wonder most folks call it GERD. It's when you regurgitate food that you have already eaten. Yuck!

Anyway, it seems that a muscle on top of your stomach is falling down on the job and relaxing at the wrong time. Yes, it seems like GERD is a timing problem. That muscle is called, hold onto your hats, lower esophageal sphincter of LES. Well, it certainly is LES when it's not doing its job right. You see, LES is supposed to make your food chute (esophagus) a one-way street, but when it lets down its guard, pesky little particles of food dripping with gastric juices in the form of hydrochloric acid (Yikes!) and powerful enzymes sneak past the relaxed LES, sleeping on the job again, and creep up your food tube wreaking a path of destruction to the lining of your food chute, Holy cow! That is very painful because your food tube has no protection against gastric juices like your good old tummy.

Lucky for the poor folks that suffer from this debilitating disease that there are all kinds of treatments available to keep those pesky food gypsies from camping out on your food tube.

Treatments For GERD

Medical practitioners can tell us what is GERD and how to treat it so it is best to consult doctors before we try self-medication. There are other conditions and diseases that are similar to symptoms of what GERD is but these are not GERD at all. To find out what GERD is, it is best to ask a doctor for a diagnosis so you can start treatments as soon as possible.

There are several ways to treat GERD and these are without the use of drugs and chemical, using drugs and chemicals and surgery. What is GERD none drug treatment and how does it differ from drug treatments? When we do not use drugs to treat GERD, we use alternative medicines such as acupuncture and other herbal tonics and products that can promote proper function of the lower esophageal sphincter or to control the acid production of our stomachs.

Drug or chemical treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease entails taking medication for a long period of time in order to facilitate and mange the stomachs production of stomach acids. These drugs and chemicals range from antacids to much stronger medications in order to control stomach acid production.

Surgery to alleviate gastroesophageal reflux disease is a process where the surgeons will adjust or fix the patient's lower esophageal sphincter in order for it to function properly. Some individuals prefer surgery to long-term medication because there is less risk of side effects for surgery compare to taking medication.

So there you have it, Luckily Gastroesophageal reflux disease is not life threatening and is treatable and most symptoms can be eliminated or reduced to a tolerable level so you don't have a 5-alarm fire in your food tube any more. Hey! There is help available. Just stick with the recommendations from your doc and you will be fine. Living a healthy lifestyle will also go a long way to licking your GERD problem and you can get back to your main purpose in life and don't forget to smell the daisies along the way.

About the Author: Dr. Eagloy is a researcher/writer who has been involved with acid reflux and studied its effects for many years. Please visit for more details on how you can mitigate or avoid its painful symptoms. Many more articles on how to how to avoid and treat GERD can be found at his website.

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