
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Information About Huntington's Disease

QUESTION: A good member of our church was stricken with a disease called Huntington Disease.
I was present when he had a frightening episode that was most distressing.
Some of our members are afraid that this could be catching, and so we would very much appreciate any information you can provide to us. Please choose this question as it is important for many people.

ANSWER: Huntington's Disease was first described by Dr.
George Huntington and his father, who was also a physician, in 1872.
He wrote his paper after observing families living near his home in Long Island, New York.
The disease itself is characterized by involuntary and jerking movements of the arms, legs and face.
These irregular movements lead to difficulty in walking, trouble with speech and lack of coordination of arm movements.
The saddest part of the condition is the associated decline in mental function which parallels the worsening of body movements.
As the disease progresses, thought processes become confused and a type of senility occurs.
All of the changes associated with Huntington's Disease are related to a degeneration or destruction of vital nerve centers in the brain.
This disorder is hereditary (not infectious, so you can't catch it) of a type described in medical terms as "autosomal dominant".
In these cases only one gene needs to be passed from either the mother or the father in order for the child to inherit the disease. Each offspring, therefore, has a 50 percent chance of getting the disease. Even more unfortunate than the disease itself is our present inability to correct the condition.
There are a few drugs which can lessen the jerking movements, but they have significant side effects which limit their use.
In the future, hopefully, we will be able to make some progress in treating these devastating neurological diseases.
To end on a positive note, we know that the later the disease appears in life, the greater the probability that it will be milder.

The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician.
Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.