
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What Does a "Risk Profile" Mean, How Does it Work, and is it Worthwhile?

QUESTION: There have been several times when you have discussed heart disease, where you have mentioned reducing risks, usually by diet or exercise. Recently we were offered the chance to have a "risk profile" developed for us by our company.
What does this mean.
how does it work, and do you think it is worthwhile?

ANSWER: As medical insurance costs to companies continue to mount, some clear thinking has made prevention of disease an important goal, rather than just financing the cost of care for disease when acute crises develop.
A careful history, an examination, and a few tests are necessary to construct a risk profile that provides an individual with some conclusions upon which to change a style of life and activity, and thereby prevent the onset of heart disease. There are several factors that are considered, some of which you may not be able to change, others that require your decision and actions.
A family history is taken, and if early heart disease runs in your father, mother or brothers or sisters, then you must consider the changes you can control even more seriously.
The other risk factors include smoking, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels, diabetes, obesity, an abnormal electrocardiogram, and certain behavioral characteristics (such as extreme emotional reactions and anxiety responses to life's stressful situations).
You can understand just by by scanning this list that there are elements that can be changed by proper medication or activity.
In some risk profiles, numerical scores are calculated and can be used as indicators of the chances that you will fall victim to heart disease.
Lower the numbers and you reduce that probability. I think that this approach to disease prevention makes great sense, because it reduces a lot of complicated considerations into some simple numbers, and offers you a realistic evaluation of your chances of living a longer, more enjoyable life, but that doesn't of necessity make it "worthwhile".
All the numbers and calculations are worthless unless you decide that they have a meaning for you, and that you accept the challenge of changing those factors which may be altered.
Your employers, as many concerned health providers, consider these evaluations most important, but their true worth depends upon you.

The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician.
Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.