QUESTION: I have just been cured of my second episode with pelvic inflammatory disease.
Now, the "good news" from my doctor is I'm at greater risk of having an ectopic pregnancy.
Why? Are there other complications from PID?
ANSWER: Unfortunately, with every episode of pelvic inflammatory disease (also known as salpingitis), your risk of ectopic pregnancy or other complications grows.
PID may cause scarring and adhesions in your fallopian tubes which leads from the ovaries to the uterus.
Normally, the fertilized egg becomes implanted in the womb.
But it has to get there by traveling down the Fallopian Tubes.
If it hits a scarred area, where the tube is narrowed or sealed by adhesions, it just gets stuck, and the pregnancy develops outside of the uterus (ectopic pregnancy).
A woman who has had one or more incidents of PID may have a ten times greater chance of ectopic pregnancies. Other frequent complications of PID include infertility, pelvic pain, chronic PID, and pelvic abscess.
Should an abscess occur, patients should be hospitalized and treated with triple antibiotic therapy.
If the abscess isn't properly dealt with, there is a possibility of widespread peritonitis, and it can be deadly.
Your best chances lie in frequent checkups, including pelvic exams and cultures to avoid future problems.
The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician.
Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.