Drug Information It is very apparent to all who read the daily press, that an all out war on drug abuse is a vital necessity for our society.
The cost in human suffering, lives lost, as well as real dollars may well be incalculable, yet we see little progress in stemming the increasing flood of addiction and drug abuse.
If any weapon is important, knowledge about the problem and all its aspects, must rank high on any list, and there is at least one precious resource already available to all who would avail themselves of its assistance.
It is the National Clearinghouse for Drug Information, P.O.
Box 416, Kensington, MD 20795 (telephone number 301-443-6500 normal working hours Monday-Friday Eastern Time.) The Clearinghouse collects and disseminates information about the problem of Drug Abuse to consumers and health professionals alike, and may start you on the path to obtaining the knowledge you need to fight the problem in your community, schools and home.
The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician.
Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.