
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Could Neck Tenderness be a Thyroid Gland Problem?

QUESTION: My husband has been complaining about tenderness in his neck for over a month, along with feelings of fatigue and even a slight fever.
Could the problem be in his thyroid gland?

ANSWER: Well, that's one possibility, so let's discuss it.
To determine if the source of your husband's pain is in fact the thyroid gland, a physician will usually inquire if the pain has existed for less than three months, since most conditions which cause thyroid pain rarely last for a longer period. Next, a careful examination of the neck to see if there is tenderness, swelling, or a sensation of warmth in the area of the thyroid. Thyroid conditions can cause considerable discomfort for sufferers. Luckily, however, such disorders are nearly always relatively short-lived, as well as benign and easy to treat.
Among the most common pain-causing thyroid conditions: subacute thyroiditis, Hashimoto's thyroiditis and benign thyroid nodules. Subacute thyroiditis is the most common of the three and often follows an upper respiratory tract infection.
Some characteristics of the disorder, which usually runs its own course within three months with no medication required, include fever, malaise, fatigue and muscle soreness.
The symptoms of Hashimoto's thyroiditis resemble those of subacute thyroiditis although the pain is usually less intense.
This condition also disappears on its own. Benign thyroid nodules can cause patients pain because of hemorrhage into the swollen nodules. Most conditions that cause pain in the thyroid can be helped with relatively little medication and a lot of patience as they run their rapid and benign course.
Just a word: although we have discussed thyroid conditions as the cause of your husband's problems, there are other possibilities which may best be discovered by a thorough examination.

The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician.
Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.