QUESTION: I have flaky skin in both my ears; it is also very itchy.
I also have a patch in my hair near my neck.
A friend of mine said I might have "barber's itch".
I never heard of this before.
What can I do to cure this?
ANSWER: A cure is generally never much better than the diagnosis that was made before the treatment was recommended.
If your friend's evaluation is correct, this answer may help, but I would have a physician look at your problem first before running off to get a medication.
"Barber's Itch" is a name used to describe a scaly, round rash that is located in the beard area, and only affects men.
Its medical names are "tinea barbae" and "sycosis vulgaris" as well as "Alibert's III".
It is caused by a fungus growth, usually of the trichophyton family.
The rash can also contain small abscesses with the fungus growing inside, and the physician can make an accurate diagnosis by looking at this material under the microscope.
Treatment consists of scrubbing thoroughly with soap and water, topical fungistatic preparations and oral medications.
Since your description is not typical, and since these medications are prescription preparations, my advice to see your physician should be seriously considered.
The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician.
Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.