Maternal and Child Health There really are many services provided to us by our Federal Government, although at times we all have our moments of doubt as to the truth of such statements, but it all comes down to knowing where they are and how to obtain their benefits.
That's why I have decided to include a variety of "clearinghouses" in this part of my column each week.
A clearinghouse is a service that collects all sorts of data and information about an area of concern, of some special health problem or condition.
They have the telephone numbers and addresses of resources and self-help groups, bulletins and publications, brochures and information sheets.
Its a great way to begin any search for help and knowledge, and can hasten the journey to obtaining the important facts you may need for an important health decision.
Today's clearing house information is an extremely important one.
The National Maternal and Child Health Clearinghouse, 8201 Greensboro Drive, Suite 600, McLeen, VA 22102 (telephone 703-821-8955) will provide its information to consumers and health professionals alike, and is an address you will want to keep for present or future reference.
The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician.
Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.